
the Glass Fella Came Back ;-)

it seemed that a bit long time has past though, i'm just happy to know that to be able to watch "Televider"-like program again. This is "Exampler" on CTVN! you can watch the program on the internet. The anchers are Takeshi Kongochi and Tsu…

Bhutanese Major Sites

i know and often watch these Bhutanese web sites. you can see these if you want to know the something latest about Bhutan.KuenselOnline – Bhutan's Daily NewspaperThe majar newspaper's online-site. A bit while ago, the site displayed strain…

Moving Back My Home

I just Moved back to my family home in Yamaguchi Pref. And I'm writing this journal from my family home. I'll stay here for a short time then i'll go Nagano at the beggining of the coming year. when i though it again, I've lived around Tok…

Bhutan Now

News India, Asia, World, Sports, Business, Science / Tech, Health, Entertainment, Featuresit's a bit old news though, for Bhutanese, this news seems to have a impact as big as the snap election for postal privatization in Japan. and there …

Digital Camera

I'm just wondering wheather to buy a digital camera. Now i have a old one which i bought 5 years ago and it's good time to buy a new one since i'll go abroad next year and i think i'll have many chances to take pictures. But it's difficult…

Citation from "Kanashimi"

Merry Christmas to me!

Send-Off Party

i had a night time with some old company's colleagues. It was a kind of my send-off party. Before going there, i was afraid to meet them. 9 months have past since i quited the previous job so i was afraid that if they hope the party for a …

Moving Trouble

i'm just preparing for the moving out next week. i've moved out several times ever since. but this time is the biggest moving because i have to go back my home Yamaguchi, so i need to send my furniture one time and it'll needs 3 days to ar…

One-day Part Time Job

Today (to say it correctly, it was "yesterday"), i worked at the company which was just started this month as a one-day part time job. i just set up some computers and network. The company has a story behind it. i had worked at a company f…

An Useful Expression

"I'll be back after getting a bit dreamy middle!"


I went to Suneohair's live. It was the 5th time I went his live. I've never gone to any other artists' live though, going and seeing his live is getting one of my live work. I don't understand music very well and he isn't a popular musicia…

The Moment I Feel It.

after a banquet, party... when i watch a SNS like mixi (i have few friends)... during breaktimes in group trainings... when i go straight back my home alone... nonworking days... when i write this journal about this damn matter.


it's quite difficult for me to make a good relationship with others. not olny shy of people who meet first, but also i feel fear to keep in touch with them ever after i have some time with them. the reason is i don't have any idea, techniq…

Just now

Now, i'm having a group lesson of the PC engineering and how to lecture the residental engineers. The lesson mates are the members who will have the almost same job and go several countries. (but none of them will go to Bhutan which is my …

Long time!

It's been so long time since i wrote this jornal last time! How's everyone been? Sorry, i couldn't write this for a long time. Besides, i felt a kind of difficulty restarting this.i've already spent exciting days in these days though, my l…

The Reason Why I Gave Up To Be...

?English:cf.http://otd13.jbbs.livedoor.jp/340424/bbs_plaini found following text from No.2453 (2005/10/08 01:17 まさこ wrote) i omitted quite amount of the part because it's too tough to transrate all of them, and when i was writing this ,…

the Ig Nobel Prize

?English: the Ig Nobel Prize in nuetritions aword to Dr. Nakamatsu, of Tokyo Japan, the aword is for photographing and retrospectively analyzing every meal he has consumed during a period of 34 years and counted. in the reception, Dr. Naka…

today's best answer

?English:cf.http://www.metro.tokyo.jp/GOVERNOR/KAIKEN/TEXT/2005/050930.htm東京情報が世界のopinion。都政に関する情報です。 毎週毎週10分間に及ぶ大演説。全編ご覧なりたい方は、東京都庁ホームページのストリーミング放送をご利用ください。 【記者】…

Answers from The Student Cooperative

?English:cf.白石さん 旧作品No.11848 | pya! (ネタサイト)i just found this interesting stuff about Mr. Shiraishi, a student cooperative staff in a university. and i heard it is planed to be published next month. then this time i'm gonna intr…

I Got the Nice Excuse!

http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/main/news/20051004i512.htm "i have a same spirit as a Nobel prize holder does!"

There Is Nothing Important

?English:hey guys, how have you been? it's been a bit long term since i updated here last time. so i've been forgetting how to make it. then this time, i forgot the quotation source, how to comment it, japanese sentenses, and the total str…

I'm a Real Pro-wrestler

?English:cf.http://sportsnavi.yahoo.co.jp/fight/pride/live/200509/25/a12.html今回は先日行われたPRIDE GRAND PRIX 2005 ウェルター級トーナメントより、惜しくも準決勝で敗退してしまった美濃輪育久選手の試合後のコメントです。 ――試合の感想をHow was…



TOEIC measures

?English:明日はTOEICを受けます。4ヶ月ぶり。ここで続けてきた英訳practiceの成果は見られるのでしょうか。 というわけで、今日はTOEIC前夜のはてなダイアリスツの模様です。みんな力の限り戦って欲しいものです。cf.明日はTOEIC - しーがんの日記 明日はい…

Her Room

cf.テレビ お前はもう、完全に包囲されているー!Already, You have no way out!!! 今週の彼女の部屋です。This is "Her Room of This Week". 今週もまた、愉快なゲストが徹子の部屋のドアをノックしました。In this week, also, some fun guests knocked he…

His Sunglass

?English:リサイクル、といっておけばちょっとエコロジカルな響きになります。地球温暖化抑制にも貢献できる気がしてきました。 もう何度も使ってて、すっかりおなじみテレバイダーより、お昼の定番番組レポートです。cf.テレビ フジテレビお昼の定番「笑っ…

Precise Marriage Strategy

?English:cf.「花開け!!求婚男子 プロポーズゼクシィ」トップページ | プロポーズゼクシィ彼氏にプロポーズさせちゃう作戦一挙ご紹介!あなたはどのプロポーズさせちゃう作戦をexecuteする? Give it some serious thought!! プロポーズされるように半年前か…

the Brother Observation

ネットショップってあるでしょ。あれすっげー便利。ちょっと、ちょっと買い物してみてよ。ほらほら、クリッククリック。 「77777円になりまーす。」 それ、幸せ。 ?English:cf.リコのおにいちゃんにっき:おにいちゃんが「下着やさんをやる」といいだし…

I don't wanna that coupon.

?English:cf.Amazonギフト券いらない!とは - はてなキーワード 更新ペース落とします、といった直後はだいたい更新頻度はあがるものです。 やあ (´・ω・`)Hi!ようこそ、Amazon.co.jpへ。Welcome to Amazon.co.jp. これはおすすめ商品だから、もしあなたが…

Shout it without any hesitations!

Please gimme Amazon Gift Coupons! ...Amazonギフト券欲しい!Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character作者: Richard Phillips Feynman,Ralph Leighton,Edward Hutchings出版社/メーカー: W W Norton & Co Inc発売日: 1997/…