
今日たまたま僕の好きな格闘技・プロレスサイトを巡回している中でとあるサイトに釘付けとなった http://t.pia.co.jp/battle/column/hiroko.html 鈴木健想というプロレスラーの奥さんで彼がWWEに参戦中ディーバ(白塗りのゲイシャガールのギミック)としてリ…

Smoking Issue


I'm leaving



これからのブログのタイトルは「ムジュン」で。その日の自分の矛盾っぷりを書き残していくかんじ。とかどう? 「今日親から説教された。28にもなって。親とか家族をどう思ってるんだ、とかいってた。うつむいた顔して黙ってた。親が説教して鬱憤をはらしてく…



Is Your Life Worthless?

Does life has much meaning? Or is it meaningless and empty? Probably, most of the people who can reply that it is meaningful are just married people or being in love with someone who enjoy their happy emotion. But the question is different…

3 Weeks

Now, already I've been in KTC for 3 weeks though, my English skill doesn't seem to improve even a bit. Especially daily conversation is difficult for me. Though I expected to be able to improve my skill more before I came here, it looks li…


finally, we've managed to have 1/6 of the JOCV training schedule done. i guess it is entirely thank to our trainee's effort and the support of the staff that it's done. when i think of that we'll be able to finish this training by just doi…

Coming-Of-Age Ceremony

cf.http://www.colortelevision.net/exampler/archive/20060114.html On 9th of this month, 1.43 million people got adult and the coming of age ceremony took place all around the country. As well as the ordinary years, in this year some people …

Write and Use Lots of English Like Shower!!!


the 4th day.

皆さんいかがお過ごしか。 今日は酒はいっているので、更新不可でございまし。またあした、ごきげにょう。

the Third Day

皆様いかがお過ごしか? 訓練所生活について。要はプチ禁欲生活に耐えることが訓練の一環だそうで。いままでの普段の生活から、この辺が変わっています。ネットしてる時間が激減しました。居室内で使用できないし、使えるエリアが限られているので、今のとこ…

the Second day

皆様いかがお過ごしか? 訓練2日目、日の出もまだの内から、ラジオ体操、ジョギングといかにも訓練所チックな生活にどっぷりつかりだします。土曜日ということもあり、オリエンテーション後は飲み屋に繰り出す。これまでも経験してることだが、初対面レベル…

the First day

皆様いかがお過ごしか。 本日ワタクシはJOCV訓練所についに入所です。ひところ前は無駄とも思えてなかなか受け入れがたかった訓練所生活。 山奥の施設に隔離され、ビミョーな上着を皆揃って着せられて、堅苦しい行事がありーの、規律にのっとった共同生活。 …

On the Eve of the Entrance

皆様いかがお過ごしか。 現在ワタクシはJOCV訓練所のある長野に向かっております。とりあえず電車乗り継いできています。(長距離バス移動がデフォルトらしいのですが) 海外渡航以前に、日本国内である長野ですら未踏の地。いや、旅行かなんかできたことあ…


皆様オトソ気分でいかがお過ごしか。いや、だからほら、たまには日本語でも。 とにかくさ、三が日も明けて、いや、ほんとめでたいね。本年も変わらぬご愛顧賜りますよう、どうぞよろしくお願いしますって話ですよ。 年は明けても、勿論、人間そうは変わらな…

New Year's Pledge.

i declaired that my thema of this year is trying to bite anything like a dog. a stray dog howled at me furiously. i pledged to quit smoking on Nov. 1st. on Nov. 2nd, i smoked two Cigarettes... i pledged again to quit smoking after i finish…

Happy New "BowWow" Year!

Good bye "Cock-a dodle-doo" and a happy new year everyone. here, I'll tell your fortune of this year. i searched at Google and counted the number of hits of each keyword. "2006年" "大吉" の検索結果 約 96,200 件 "2006年" "中吉" の検索結果 …

the Glass Fella Came Back ;-)

it seemed that a bit long time has past though, i'm just happy to know that to be able to watch "Televider"-like program again. This is "Exampler" on CTVN! you can watch the program on the internet. The anchers are Takeshi Kongochi and Tsu…

Bhutanese Major Sites

i know and often watch these Bhutanese web sites. you can see these if you want to know the something latest about Bhutan.KuenselOnline – Bhutan's Daily NewspaperThe majar newspaper's online-site. A bit while ago, the site displayed strain…

Moving Back My Home

I just Moved back to my family home in Yamaguchi Pref. And I'm writing this journal from my family home. I'll stay here for a short time then i'll go Nagano at the beggining of the coming year. when i though it again, I've lived around Tok…

Bhutan Now

News India, Asia, World, Sports, Business, Science / Tech, Health, Entertainment, Featuresit's a bit old news though, for Bhutanese, this news seems to have a impact as big as the snap election for postal privatization in Japan. and there …

Digital Camera

I'm just wondering wheather to buy a digital camera. Now i have a old one which i bought 5 years ago and it's good time to buy a new one since i'll go abroad next year and i think i'll have many chances to take pictures. But it's difficult…

Citation from "Kanashimi"

Merry Christmas to me!

Send-Off Party

i had a night time with some old company's colleagues. It was a kind of my send-off party. Before going there, i was afraid to meet them. 9 months have past since i quited the previous job so i was afraid that if they hope the party for a …

Moving Trouble

i'm just preparing for the moving out next week. i've moved out several times ever since. but this time is the biggest moving because i have to go back my home Yamaguchi, so i need to send my furniture one time and it'll needs 3 days to ar…

One-day Part Time Job

Today (to say it correctly, it was "yesterday"), i worked at the company which was just started this month as a one-day part time job. i just set up some computers and network. The company has a story behind it. i had worked at a company f…

An Useful Expression

"I'll be back after getting a bit dreamy middle!"


I went to Suneohair's live. It was the 5th time I went his live. I've never gone to any other artists' live though, going and seeing his live is getting one of my live work. I don't understand music very well and he isn't a popular musicia…

The Moment I Feel It.

after a banquet, party... when i watch a SNS like mixi (i have few friends)... during breaktimes in group trainings... when i go straight back my home alone... nonworking days... when i write this journal about this damn matter.