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今週何かといそがしいので、こちらの更新できそうにないです。無職なくせにね。 パンチラ画像でも見てなごんでください。ワルツアーティスト: スネオヘアー,渡辺健二出版社/メーカー: エピックレコードジャパン発売日: 2005/05/25メディア: CD購入: 1人 クリ…

How many accesses.

These days this site was busy by many accesses I have never seen and I am at a loss to some extent. It caused by chance some major site found my old article and refereed about it. It’s a story to be thankful for. “Thank you. It’s very good…


The following conversation is made by one of my friends and me. Friend(F): I have some words that I want to say you.Me(M): Are you just aware of the feeling of thanks to me at last? F: I’m not a person who did you say. M: Well, actually ar…

Turn off our PC!

Computers have changed Human life dramatically. By nature, human beings couldn’t get done with their work well. By emergence of PC, we couldn’t have been able to get done with work remarkably, and then our life has been going hectic rapidl…

Bag is our religion. (4)

A travel bag was made next to a wallet. This bag was used, when they went somewhere, to bring some belongings (such as women’s clothes or preliminary handbags.) and diapers by a male. And it was the first practical bag for human being. Sat…

Bag is our religion. (5)

When they had used a bag, they found it was useful. It appeared that they could be seen less stupid to put their comic magazines or racing forms into their bag than to have those in their hand. Though at first, men’s bags had been made of …

Bag is our religion. (3)

Next to a handbag, a wallet for women was made, because she needed something to put in her handbag. Though Men didn’t know what are put in her handbag too, it is sure that cosmetics and a wallet must be put. At the time it was good that co…

Bag is our religion. (1)

Bag has been essential to human for very long time. Also in the primitive age, the trace that a human being needed a bag is left. For example in the cave of Altamira, the picture of buffalos was described 20,000 years ago. From the age, hu…

Bag is our religion. (2)

The bag which human made at first was a woman’s handbag. Though I don’t know why women want it in spite of that it doesn’t has any utility, if we think of the strictly women’s desire to have a handbag today, I’m no doubt about that the men…

browser matter

Though I don't know why, the IE on my PC doesn't work well suddenly. Then I have to use Netscatpe Navigater to browse internet site now. I'm not used to NN. Maybe it is why I can't write interesting dairy today.

The REASONS you should read (1)

It makes you feel comfortable after you read! Some of the readings make you feel uncomfortable. For example, it makes you to keep considering about your own life for several days, or makes you feel distrust in yourself. On the other hand, …

The REASONS you should read (2)

You can read this by various ways! You can start reading from anywhere, not only from the head of the article but also in the middle of this. And you can also read this every 2 lines or backward. This site has a characteristic that its fun…

The REASONS you should read (3)

Pretty easy Because you can read various ways you can also read this as it treats various concern. If you read this as a research paper that concerns in the differential calculus, you would be surprised at the unprecedented simplicity as a…

The REASONS you should read (4)

SEE INTRODUCTION. No way but to read It never be the reason that you would read this formerly to be bored. Because the articles I wrote were forgotten after a day, it may as well you did not read as you read a day ago. Though maybe someone…

For all readers

When you visit this site by chance, you might be in doubt whether you should read this site. But it is quite obvious that you should read this. It is too obvious to find the reason to read. But if we never give up, we can pave the way. Loo…


ここ最近の傾向 ダイアリにネタ更新が多くなる ダイアリのデザインをむやみに弄るようになる ダイアリの設定がブログモードになる アンテナの新規登録がむやみに増える とくに被登録数が少ない日記を中心に登録し、無言のプレッシャーを与える。 こんなはて…




どうも今のデザインに飽き気味だったので、左側のおまけみたいな部分*1を弄ってみた。こういった例が示すように、トラックバックの件以来*2、最近過度に訪問者を意識した構成に*3なりつつある。ネタに走ったりすると*4本来の目的を見失うことになる。 *1:何…


バファリンばりにやさしい。 太田胃散ばりに有難い。

leave me out of it

やめておきます。 A:How about a drink tonight?今夜飲み行かない? B:Leave me out of it.やめときます。

Let's stick together!

団結しよう! A:Shall we split up?私達別れませんか? B:Let's stick together.仲良くやろーぜ。

ring a bell

ピンと来る Gekidan Hitori? That name doesn't ring any bells.(劇団ひとり?名前がピンとこないなあ。)

You've got to be kidding!

冗談じゃねーよ。 A:You know how poor I am at the moment, so instead of that French dinner we were talking about, do you mind if we just go to McDonalds instead?(オレが今どんなに貧しいかわかるだろ?だから今日はこないだ話してたフランス料理の…


今日の東京地方は寒かった。3月ぐらいの気温だったと思う。ついこないだ無事にこどもの日を迎えて、「めでてえな、いよいよ夏シーズン突入だな」ぐらいの感じで、なんか浮き足立ったり、五月病にもがいたりしていた頃なのに。 そうそう、はてなダイアリーの…

put clothes on

服を着るちなみに「服を脱ぐ」は、"take clothes off" A:Mum, I'm old enough to decide for myself whether I can get a tatto or not.(母さん、タトゥー入れるかどうかくらい、自分で判断できる年だよ。) B:Who do you think pays to put clothes on your …






人生はそうそう簡単には行かないけど、とくに断るのは難しい。 友達に「金曜日飲むんだけど来ない?」と誘われた場合、「行かない」というと「どうして?」と断るのに理由を求められる。この場合「行きたくないから」「一人でいたいから」「インターネットし…