nerds campaign


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I've engaged in the "Himote activities"(the campaign of nerds) energetically for a month,

then I realized the opinions were amazingly different between male and female.

About nerds, men usualy do that:

  • 同情を求める
    Requiring sympathies.
  • ふーん、そんなもんかね、でも俺には関係ないや
    "Hmm... as its face value. but it's nothing to do with me."
  • そもそもオタクとは…(非モテ話なのになぜかオタク話になる)
    "In first place. the geekhead is..." (they begin to speak about geek, despite the subject is nerds.)
  • 自分語り
    Talking about oneself.

On the other hand, women are like that:

  • 恋愛ってものをわかってないねぇ(軽蔑?あるいは達観?)
    "They don't really understand the love" (looking down? or taking a philosophical view?)
  • そんなんだから彼女ができないんじゃない?(手厳しいご意見)
    "Maybe that explains why you couldn't make girlfriend, don't that?" (harsh opinion)
  • 女のいわゆる「負け犬」と男の「非モテ」は違う(確かにそうです)
    "Underdog women" are quite different from "nerds men". (I surely think so)
  • で、非モテ君は一体何がしたいの? 彼女が欲しいの? モテモテになりたいの?(斬り捨て御免)
    "By the way, what the hell do the nerds want to do? do they just want a girlfriend? do they just wanna be popular?"

There were almost these kind of opinions.

What does mean this difference?