I was told a lie

I have a 2nd grade high-school daughter. With a small matter, she sometimes tells a lie which brings some trouble to our family.

It obviously turns out to be a lie.

Though I don’t worry if the lie comes from her forgettery, she has told lies on purpose.

For example, though she used something of her brother’s, she insisted strictly that she bought it herself at @@@ store yesterday.

The store was closed.

I want her not to tell a lie.

This was when I was a kindergartner.

夕飯と食べ終わり家族とものまね番組を見ているとコロッケ(本名:滝川 広志)が千昌夫かなにかのマネをしていました。
After the dinner, when my family had watched a mimic program, Korokke (he is an famous impersonator) did an impression of Masao Sen or someone.

During my family laughing loudly, I couldn’t understand it then asked my mother who was laughing with her teeth being bare that “mammy, why is he doing such things?” and she answered at once.

“He has a disease.” (Children are also weak in the word, “disease”.)

I kept quite in deep shock, and had a distrust feeling for the first time to my mother who answered laughingly and to my family who were laughing loudly.

I supposed that it was the moment I awoke to myself that the mother and I were different.

For my mother, it might be that she merely didn’t want to destroy her good moment.
