Is Your Life Worthless?

Does life has much meaning? Or is it meaningless and empty?
Probably, most of the people who can reply that it is meaningful are just married people or being in love with someone who enjoy their happy emotion. But the question is different from that asking personal feeling like "are you just enjoying now?" I guess there are some objectively reason to the question.People who think life is meaningless and empty often say: "every morning I go for work by a full-commuter train then I stick to the desk whole day and go back to my home at night and just go bed after taking a shower. So life is meaningless." But it includes some false.

Life has such aspects though, to simplifying it by picking up only such aspects is just same as to explain that "movie has a main content with a title" or "music is just sounding various sound". Life has quite various elements like movie and music. It has pleasure, sadness, thrills, tiredness, success, and discouragement. Uninteresting thing like looking a roadside flower could have a significant meaning. People who think life isn't more than repetition of routine days seems to neglect these aspects. After then, they exaggerate the aspects which look like boring in order to make their lives look like more unexciting. People who claim life is meaningless seem to have objective reason though, I wonder, actually they have their personal emotion like "I'm bored" at first, and then they're just trying to stress that.

We often use these kinds of "selfish simplification" method, especially when we express antipathy. For example:
"Reading is just to turn pages being confined in a room."
"Love is just to put together man with woman."
"Gulf is just to hit a ball with a bar."
"Basketball is just to beat the floor with a ball in a gym."
"Animal is just to be dead after leaving a descendant."
"Life and death are just a meeting and parting of atoms."
"One of my friends is just to have a food and play something."

The correct one is only the example about my friend.